About BioReco

The BioReco 300 is a machine that supplies water with oxygen, and has low energy consumption. This process is a very effective way to improve the water quality in a nutrient-rich lake. BioReco 300 generally improves the good biological conditions in lakes and watercourses.

BioReco 300 produces microscopic oxygen bubbles which do not rise to the surface, but slowly diffuse into the surrounding water.

The oxygen diffuses from the surface to the bottom, through metalimnions, and can be registered up to 100 meters from the machine.

If a lake has a layer of sludge at the bottom the oxygen from the BioReco will have a great impact on the composting of this layer. As the composting process proceeds, more and more oxygen will be available for organisms and animals, and these will start the putrefaction of algae and other vegetation. In this way the bottom of the lake will be provided with more light, and this will improve conditions so that the bottom vegetation can develop positively.

For lakes with malodorous sludge, algae, or lack of light penetration, the BioReco 300 can be a good alternative to solve the problems.

For watercourses, cleaning systems, process water etc. which require aeration of water, the BioReco 300 will be a good solution as it is appropriate for many systems and processes.

Each situation is unique. Find detailed information and installation examples at

www.bioreco.dk or contact us at bioreco@ljm.dk

BioReco 300 can be easily removed and reinstalled. It is made of long-lasting materials, and has low running costs due to its low energy consumption.